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                  Licensing Terms and Disclaimer of Warranty

                       Licensing Terms and Conditions

                Copyright (c) 1988-91 by Vernon E. Six, Jr.
                      All Rights Reserved World Wide.

     VERNSIX.LIB may only  be used and distributed under the following

     1)   You may use VERNSIX.LIB for a period of up to thirty days to
          determine  its suitability for your needs.   If you continue
          to use  VERNSIX.LIB (or any program  with VERNSIX.LIB linked
          into it) after  a period  of thirty days  you MUST  register
          your copy.    A registration form is included  at the end of
          this documentation.

     2)   When  you  register  your  copy  of  VERNSIX.LIB,  you  will

          a)   the latest version without the "advertisemnet" screen

          b)   a royalty  free run-time license to  use VERNSIX.LIB in
               any of your applications.

          c)   complete source code  to both versions  (Clipper Summer
               87 and Clipper v5.0)

     3)   You  may  distribute VERNSIX.LIB  provided  that  no fee  is
          charged,  except for  a nominal  "diskette" fee  or "connect
          time"  charges.    In  any event,  the entire fee  shall not
          exceed  $10.00.   This does NOT apply to commercial packages
          developed using VERNSIX.LIB.   (see paragraphs 1 and 2)

     4)   You  may  NOT  use   VERNSIX.LIB  in  conjunction  with  any
          commercial endeavor without

          a)   registering your copy, and

          b)   providing  a   "blurb"  line   about   the  author   of
               VERNSIX.LIB i.e.   "This application uses VERNSIX.LIB.
               Copyright (c)  1988-91 by Vernon  E. Six, Jr."  in your

     5)   You may NOT distribute VERNSIX.LIB in modified form.

     6)   If you distribute  VERNSIX.LIB, it MUST  be in the  original
          "archive" as released  by the author.   You  may not add any
          files,  archive comments,  nor may  you re-archive  it using
          some other archive program, etc.   This is to ensure that my
          software hasn't been tampered with.

                           Disclaimer of Warranty

                            *** NO WARRANTY ***

     Because  VERNSIX.LIB  is  distributed as  "SHAREWARE",  I provide
     absolutely  no warranty,  to the  extent permitted  by applicable
     state law.

     Except when otherwise  stated in  writing, Vernon E.   Six,  Jr.,
     FrontLine Software and/or  other parties provide  VERNSIX.LIB "AS
     IS" without  warranty of any  kind, either expressed  or implied,
     including,  but  not  limited   to,  the  implied  warranties  of
     merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.  The entire
     risk as to  the quality  and performance of  VERNSIX.LIB is  with
     you.   Should VERNSIX.LIB prove defective, you assume the cost of
     all necessary remedies, repair or correction.

     In  no event will Vernon E.   Six, Jr.  and/or FrontLine Software
     be responsible in any  way for the behavior of  modified versions
     of VERNSIX.LIB.  In no event, unless required by applicable state
     law, will  Vernon E.   Six, Jr., FrontLine Software  or any other
     party  who  may distribute  VERNSIX.LIB  as  permitted above,  be
     liable to  you  for damages,  including  any lost  profits,  lost
     monies,  or  other special,  incidental  or consequental  damages
     arising out  of the use  or inability  to use (including  but not
     limited to loss of data or data being render inaccurate or losses
     sustained by third parties or a failure of the program to operate
     with  any  other  program) VERNSIX.LIB,  even  if  you  have been
     advised of the possibility of such  damages, or any claim by  any
     other party.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson